
First post for '08 - before rant, quick summary: Music / Reading = going well, Work/Coding = not so fun, but earning enough to take a long break soon :D Uni's looking like it'll be good.

Anyhow, I'm up to book VI in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, and just attended a (very awesome) Dream Theater concert, so enjoying the creativity in this world when I noticed something odd. At work, I was looking at how to add multi-language support into an installer (as you do), so googled "I18N Setup Project". Here's a summary of what I found:
1) A thread on a forum eggheadcafe by Norman Diamond: "My C# code is I18N'ed by appropriately naming and editing .resx files. At execution time, it works. ...(snip)", with a response by "Johannes Passing" and a final comment by Norman again.
2) A thread on google groups with the same question by Norman, answered on a different page
3) A thread on from a discussion in 'microsoft.public.dotnet.internationalization', with Norman's identical question, answered by Johannes and replied to by Norman.
4) A thread on
with Norman's identical question, answered by Johannes and replied to by Norman.
5) A thread on
with Norman's identical question, answered by Johannes and replied to by Norman.
6) A thread on
with Norman's identical question, answered by Johannes and replied to by Norman.
7) A thread at
with Norman's identical question, answered by Johannes and replied to by Norman.
If it only the question was identical, maybe it could be just Norman really wanting an answer quickly, but as the responses are identical too, they must come from the same source.
Sure, there are some other results, but as you can see above, it's by far mostly the same 3 posts.
The internet is a global community, with the potential to assist unknown creativity and collaboration, where search engines are making information easier to find, do we really need such blatant redundancy? What is worse is that most of the sites make it appear as though the information was posted on their site. grrrr.
Time to make up for it by reading a few creative webcomics and composing more, adios!


  1. i cannae add to your tagboard for some reason... it doesn't seem to save the tags...


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