Sounds good - part 1
I've spent a bit of time recently on one particular coding project of mine: Go-Sound , which is a library for sound manipulation and analysis written in Golang. When explaining it to people however, it turns out that not many people know how sounds work - indeed, I didn't until recently - which is interesting as it's something we use all the time (statistically, you're probably hearing something while reading this) but don't really know much about. This post is an introduction to the library, but also hopefully serves as a tutorial about what sound actually is. Sound = changing pressure When you hear a sound, what are you actually sensing? Sound waves are actually changes in pressure that are picked up by your eardrum. When you hit a drum, or pluck a string, or blow air through a tube, you are vibrating the air, and these pressure changes travel out in all directions - if they hit an ear, those changes will get interpreted as sounds. Once convenient way to rep...